What you learn in this full-time Software Engineering and DevOps Bootcamp.

Looking for the part-time Software Engineering and DevOps course?

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Duration: 12 weeks mixed mode (Live Online Classroom, Workshops, Videos, Exercises)
Time: 9am – 4pm UK time. Fully remote

Note live classroom is taught for a single full day only. Further one hour live workshops on Wednesdays and Saturdays for the duration of the course.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for non-technical and technical individuals alike. The first few weeks are geared toward non technical individuals but picks up in subsequent weeks as they come up to speed.

Topics Covered

Week Topic Covered
1Introduction to Software Engineering.
2-3Programming languages fundamentals, algorithms, analysis, data structures, networking.​
4-5Back-end frameworks and databases (Node, SQL, MongoDB, Redis)
6-7Front-end frameworks React, advanced HTML and CSS
DevOps, SRE, Testing, Quality Assurance, Security
Project, feature enhancement and end to end testing
10-11Project, DevOps and SRE backups and recovery techniques
11Live production system release: feature enhancement and continuous deployment
12Career planning, Interview preparation, portfolio preparation

* Above structure subject to change depending on requirements of the class

Typical Daily Schedule

  • 9am Start
  • 9am – 10 am Lectures
  • 10am – 1 pm Practical Exercises
  • 1pm – 2 pm Lunch
  • 2pm – 3.30 pm Practical Exercises
  • 3.30pm – 4 pm Summary
  • 4pm End

Class tutor may choose to give the class 5 minute comfort breaks as and when appropriate.


Fees are £495 which is payable either:

Single payment

3 Instalments

Find out about payment options and See next start date

Check out the start dates for the part-time Software Engineering and DevOps Bootcamp

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